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Encouraging words by Tulullah Rosier

June 17, 2010
Words of encouragement,

When we run into problems and trials, we can rejoice, too, for we know they are good for us.They help us learn to be patient.And patience develops strength, and trust in God even the more developes courage. Until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady

Stay the Course w/God's help

June 14, 2010

Only w/His divine intervention

Only with His intervention, help and grace in God through Christ Jesus can we make or achieve all things in this life
Consult, intercede in pray for His help in every situation. Men ought always to pray and not faint. Consult w/Him in all you do ask for His divine intervention into your life's situations, and watch Him turn things around.

Prayer my friend changes things for the better. Actually we are commanded to seek His help for every situation that we may enc...

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